Our Story
💗Hello everyone, my name is Zhao, and I am the founder of EnerChi Crystals. I'm thrilled to share with you the story behind our brand.
💗Ever since I was a child, I've been fascinated by the mystical arts. In 2018, I was going through a very painful time due to a family crisis. Desperate for help, I was introduced by a friend to a fortune-telling shop. To my astonishment, the fortune-teller seemed to know everything about me, from my personality and family situation to my romantic relationships, and even some family secrets that had been kept from me, which were later confirmed to be true. His predictions were incredibly accurate.
💗From that moment on, I became determined to understand the principles behind fortune-telling. I became obsessed with studying the traditional Chinese Taoist art of Bazi fortune-telling. Gradually, I began to uncover the secrets of the universe. Everything in the cosmos is composed of five types of energy: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Our fortunes, both good and bad, depend on whether these energies are in balance and harmony. If they are in harmony, everything goes smoothly; if not, misfortune can strike. Therefore, adjusting this energy balance is crucial for a good life. The main ways to adjust energy balance are by wearing suitable energy accessories to adjust personal Feng Shui and by placing appropriate energy decorations to adjust home Feng Shui. Thus, we aim to provide everyone with the most suitable energy products to help adjust this balance.
💗One of the universe's secrets is the law of karma. What goes around comes around. The best way to attract good luck is to do good and build up your good deeds. Monthly, we'll be giving a part of our profits to charity, helping our customers build good karma.
💗I genuinely hope that our positive energy can help more people in need. Just like our brand slogan: "Carry the light, share the love."